Eastern Point Beach

04/29/2008 17:45
04/29/2008 21:00

Destination TBD

Esker Point Beach

04/22/2008 17:45
04/22/2008 21:00

Opening Day!

Lyme Tavern - Niantic

Location of the annual Christmas Party:
Lyme Tavern Cafe
229 W Main St, Niantic, CT
(860) 739-5631
Directions from Google

5th Annual Mystic Holiday Boat Parade and Toy Drive

11/24/2007 18:20
11/24/2007 20:39

Great evening paddle on the Mystic River.

What is your Favorite Launch Site?

* Barn Island\n* Stonington Small Boat\n* Esker Point\n* Quiambaug Cove\n* Four Mile River\n* Great Island\n* \n* \n* \n* \n

Favorite Food

* Pete's Cookies\n* Rusty's Hot Dogs\n* Tom's KFC\n* Robin's Soup\n* Nick's Pasta Salad\n* Stan's Shrimp\n* Doug's Melon Balls\n* Kate's Guinness\n* Pat's Chunks of Bambi\n

Member Profiles

When you register you have the opportunity to add some personal information. Some of this will show up in the members list and it will also show up when people click on your name from the list.

To edit this information you must first be logged in, then click on "My account" from the menu on the left. You will see a page with your account information including "Personal Info". Above that you will see a link to "Edit" (next to "View"). Click on "Edit".

Launch Sites

Kayak launching sites:
These are the sites we typically launch from. Most of these sites are usable for launching kayaks at any time. All launch sites are in Connecticut unless otherwise noted.

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