Quonochontaug Breachway Pond

06/15/2010 18:00
06/15/2010 22:00

Strong Currents in Breachway
Destination tbd

Baldwin Bridge

06/22/2010 18:00
06/22/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Great Island

06/29/2010 18:00
06/29/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Four Mile River

07/06/2010 18:00
07/06/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Cini Park

07/13/2010 18:00
07/13/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Fort Trumbull

07/27/2010 18:00
07/27/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Esker Point

08/10/2010 18:00
08/10/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Pettipaug Yacht Club

08/17/2010 18:00
08/17/2010 22:00

Launch Directions to be supplied before paddle
Destination tbd

Mystic Community Center

08/24/2010 18:00
08/24/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

Quiambaug Cove

08/31/2010 18:00
08/31/2010 22:00

Destination tbd

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